Tuesday 30 September 2008

Living under a constant barrage of bad puns

As the three or four people who regularly read my husband's footling attempts at bloggery will know, he is a man dedicated to the pursuit of bad puns.
On Sunday I bought a new baby-gym for our six-month old son Guthlac, which has various dangly toys attached.
As Gyppo unpacked it, first to come to hand was a miniature stuffed flamingo. "Hey," he said, brightening up "We could call this Placido!"
But even this was acceptable compared to his next attempt to amuse Guthlac. Seizing a small blue and yellow monkey with elasticated limbs, he stretched the arms out to grotesque full length in turn, while singing "Mammeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, mammeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - de sun shines east, de sun shines west..." and so forth in the manner of Al Jolson.
Guthlac was only slightly amused.


Mrs Pouncer said...

Mrs Gyppo! Hoorah!
Your husband's jokes are very poor, too. The word "gag" can be used freely, but only by his audience.

What about the "all proper tea is theft" punchline? Does he do the "badoom-tish" sound effect?

Your word verification is malti.

Ms Scarlet said...

She's beaten me again!!

Hello Mrs G!!!


Kevin Musgrove said...

This is terrible, he's stealing all of the uncle's best lines.

I hate modern fatherhood. Time was, the uncle's role was to introduce a welter of irresponsibility, bad jokes and even worse renditions of low comic songs into an infant's life. These days the fathers poach all the best bits and we're left helping to make corn dollies and buying tins of beans.

I encourage you to put your foot down!

Gadjo Dilo said...

Hurray, indeed! Placido Flamingo is top-class though. So bad it's good.

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

The monkey gag is on a par with my fantasy of Obama as a pimp, which was not well received in some quarters. He'll have the PC brigade telling him off for racial stereotyping if he's not careful. A case of the pot calling the kettle ... er, black.

Welcome to our little circle Mrs Byard, we need all the friends we can get.